“Riprendiamoli”, Confiscated Goods: Your Alerts

Do you live next to a seized villa that is falling apart? Would you like to know how many assets were seized in your Municipality? Would you like to know the procedures on how to manage an asset that had previously belonged to a mafioso? Join the “Confiscati Bene” community, a place of dialogue and action for transparency, open data and civic monitoring of houses, palaces and lands seized by the State to organized crime.

READ MORE“Riprendiamoli”, 24 Journalist and Two Years of Hard Work: the Making of

If you want to become an active citizen in the fight against mafia all you have to do is register to the mailing list in the section “Join” of Confiscati Bene, introduce yourself and explain us the reasons why you are interested in seized assets and their social reuse. You will find civic hackers, computer experts, journalists, open data experts, Libera volunteers, and representatives of the Public Administration will be there for you to listen and help. You can send us pictures and videos, obtain information on how to submit a request for civic access to the municipalities  and find out where the seized assets closest to you are located. You will be kept updated on tender announcements for the transfer or apartments or lands, on documents to present, and, why not, be supported for a crowd funding campaign.

READ MORE: “Riprendiamoli”, How Did Confiscati Bene Came to Be?

Mafiosi await nothing better than to see a villa that the State has seized falling into ruins, a plot of land becoming impoverished, the soil becoming arid and polluted, or going bankrupt. Let’s not allow them to get away with it. Fighting against crime depends also on you. Transparency and open data communication are part of the Confiscati Bene project because the sole work of the National Agency for seized and confiscated assets is not enough.

READ MORE: “Riprendiamoli”, Mafia Bosses’ Ferrari Cars

Participate! It’s an invitation to become a sentinel over your territory and to notify us also about success stories that may be inspiring to those who have their “hands clean” but still “hide in their pockets”.

READ MORE: “Riprendiamoli”, the Challenge for Confiscated Goods

Translated by Marion Sarah Tuggey